Online Travel Business Platform

Connect OTA, B2B, B2C.
Receive travel & savings deals, 3-step online ordering and payment experience, convenient, anytime, anywhere.

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Platform for the Management of Tourism Resources - Tourists

Access to an official and reliable tourist information supply system, easy booking of services, and proactive assessment of service quality.

Single account

TravelPass experience will help you book services anywhere in Vietnam on iTourism's ecosystem, even if you book at websites under the management of local organizations
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Enjoy what's just for you

As you use the tool, it starts to understand your preferences and gets better and better at suggesting options to meet your unique preferences.
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More savings offers

By promotions from suppliers or automatic recommendations of the system for loyal customers.
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Booking by 3 steps

Choose from a wide range of services, book services according to your needs and complete online payments in a flash with many incentives.
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Main features

More choices for you

Smart search
everything you need

Allows searching for tourist information, destinations, service providers or tourism products quickly and easily.
Smart search<br>everything you need

Share your experience to help Vietnam's Tourism Industry grow

Comment, give feedback and comments on service providers, service quality experienced.
Share your experience to help Vietnam's Tourism Industry grow

Easy travel booking
with 3-step process

Experience the 3-step Booking Online process: (1) Product selection, (2) Customer information, (3) Payment.
Easy travel booking <br> with 3-step process

Quick payment with a variety of types

Pay for services quickly and reliably through a professional Booking Online system and a reputable, verified service provider.
Quick payment with a variety of types


Easily order services on any device, touch-free check-in, or automatic payment, helping travelers have a better experience on iTourism

Why choose xlooca?



Optimization of UI/UX and navigation for easy operation



Centralized management, streamlining processes and meeting business standards



Analyze, synthesize and report data automatically

Trusted by 3,500+ travel organizations and businesses nationwide

Some partners are applying the platform effectively in their business

Join now with more than 3000+ organizations nationwide

Free to join | No credit card required
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